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Business Community

The Business Community Department leads our activities with our volunteers and other organizations and companies. The Department strives to create a widespread network of influential figures from various fields and enlist them in Olim Beyahad’s vision. We work to create a ripple effect and impact dozens, hundreds, and even thousands of individuals with whom we come in contact on a daily basis, while using this awareness to enlist our personal and professional networks in promoting the long-awaited change.


Mentoring Processes




Companies Employ our Participants and Graduates


Active Volunteers


Members of our Volunteer Network

Partners in our Vision – Partners in our Change

We operate Olim Beyahad’s programs, while closely cooperating with volunteers and leading figures from the business sector, public sector, and third sector. We partner together in promoting our common goal of creating social change. Our volunteers assist us in creating a supportive environment for Ethiopian Israeli university/college students and graduates who take part in our various programs, which facilitates their successful integration into Israel’s workforce and society


The Employers Become Partners

We carry out and develop strategic partnerships with leading companies and institutions in all three sectors (business, public, and third). This includes employing our graduates and supporting their personal and professional growth, while paving the way for their integration into the core work and heart of Israeli society.

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Supporting our Activities

Our activities are dependent on donors and volunteers. Financial support from donors and organizations helps us continue to operate our activities. All donations are tax deductible and can be made here.

“Story of a Journey ”Event

The “Story of a Journey” Initiative involves our graduates leading special events at various other organizations and companies in the framework of which they share their personal and family stories. This includes their immigration from Ethiopia to Israel, their absorption and integration into Israeli society, the challenges that arose along the way, and the successes and achievements. These events lead to moving discussions and provide unmediated opportunities to get to know the heroic story of Ethiopian Jewry and inspirational individuals involved. “Story of a Journey” has held events at hundreds of organizations and companies so far, including the President of Israel’s Residence and government offices.


There is a wide variety of opportunities to take part in volunteering activities within the organization. From giving lectures in our various programs to providing guidance and consultations to our participants and graduates at

different crossroads.

Examples of volunteering opportunities include mentoring, personal coaching, English tutoring, giving lectures and leading workshops, preparing participants for job interviews, tutoring youth and university students, LinkedIn guidance, and more

Working with HR Department

Ongoing work with the organization’s HR Department and providing guidance in promoting diversity within the organization. Identifying potential candidates, publicizing job openings among our participants and graduates, internships for our university students, and guiding candidates throughout the applicant screening process. Providing tools to facilitate Ethiopian Israeli employees’ personal development and integration into our advanced

career programs.

Hosting professional meetings and tours

Joining the pool of companies that host our group meetings or work meetings with partners and participants. Opportunities are also available to integrate meetings and educational tours or organize meetings to expose our participants to the company and its diverse professional positions and employees.

Partnering together within
our activities

Includes hosting meetings at the company and integrating its employees and managers as professional lecturers within our programs. Opportunities are also available to assist in funding

the program.

Olim Beyahad has established a variety of diverse partnership with other organizations:

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